EbayEd is a small application designed specifically for cropping, scaling, and saving photos for Ebay. It’s designed for people who don’t generally use computers (my Mum) and is cheaper than Photoshop (it’s free). I was going for the ‘less is more’ approach to EbayEd so there are no complicated features, and there is nothing difficult to learn. You load an image, rotate if necessary, position and size the output frame, and hit save.

If you know what you’re doing this isn’t all that much harder to use than Photoshop but for the uninitiated it saves having to explain about image resizing, cropping, the difference between save and save for, and the pros and cons of different image formats – and it’s free (did I mention that?).
On the 3rd May 2024, I had to remove the EbayEd download because Google said it was malware. Fortunately it wasn’t a popular download so I doubt anyone will miss it 🤷.