New Super Mario Brothers

I am almost as excited about this as I am about the new Zelda game (almost, but not quite).

New Super Mario Brothers wallpaper

New Super Mario Brothers wallpaper

Head on over to the official, New Super Mario Brothers, website to get all the info you could need. Of particular interest is the multiplayer mode, something Mario games have been a bit rubbish at in the past. It all looks wonderful, with 3d graphics presented in a 2d plane adding many new special effects and abilities to the mix.

If you head over there then make sure to click the green pipe on the left to get to the downloads section where you can grab Mario desktop wallpapers and other files for your pc.

1up mushroom.

1up mushroom.

Bowser wallpaper

Bowser wallpaper

Giant Mario stomping on pipes wallpaper

Giant Mario stomping on pipes wallpaper

Luigi wallpaper

Luigi wallpaper

Mario and Luigi wallpaper

Mario and Luigi wallpaper

Fire Mario wallpaper

Fire Mario wallpaper

Mario jumping wallpaper

Mario jumping wallpaper

Mario closeup wallpaper

Mario closeup wallpaper

All the mushrooms wallpaper

All the mushrooms wallpaper

Princess Peach wallpaper

Princess Peach wallpaper

I can’t wait. It should certainly tide me over until Zelda comes out 🙂

Update : Now that it’s out you may be interested in the New Super Mario Brothers review over on Binary Joy.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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