What do you want me to write about?

Part of improving my website involves me wanting to write about the sort of things you want to read about.

If you could take 1 minute to answer 1 quick question then that would really help me to work out what to write about next.

To give you some ideas I’ve written quite a few posts about WordPress recently, some of the most popular are below:

  1. 10 WordPress query_posts tips you probably don’t know
  2. Creating Your Own WordPress Permalink Structure For Custom Content
  3. 6 Tips to Build Better WordPress Themes
  4. How to Integrate Twitters @Anywhere with your WordPress Comments
  5. https://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2010/03/ultimate-add-popular-posts-wordpress-blog-1-line-code/
  6. Add Website Favicons to Your WordPress Comments in 5 Minutes

WordPress is my specialist subject but if there’s a lot of interest in the other things I do then I would be happy to give them a go. Besides the questionnaire you can also post comments with ideas below, or even send me a tweet or two. Whatever is best for you.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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Thanks for reading. I'd really appreciate it if you'd link to this page if you mention it in your newsletter or on your blog.

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