Building WPVote : Part 4b, The Logo Revisited

Last time I wrote about WPVote I got a lot of feedback on the design of the logo. I was actually quite happy with how it was looking but the comments got me thinking and I soon realised it wasn’t as hot as I first thought…

So I spent some time coming up with new variations and thought it would be interesting to get some feedback on them as well.

I designed the variations based on the feedback I had received. The main problem was that the logo composition was unbalanced, with the WPV on the left looking “heavier” than the ote on the right, which made the logo left heavy.

Below are my new suggestions taking into account what people said.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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