Building WPVote Part 6 : Planning for Lift Off

Now that the WPVote site is almost complete I need to prepare it for release.

Preparing for WP Vote Release

Since I have developed online all I really need to do is redirect the DNS from the current site to my own servers. However there are a couple of things I should take care of.

  • The sites old content needs to be copied over to my installed version
  • Set up a new development area so that I can continue developing without affecting the live site.
  • Test, test, test

Additionally, if I want WPVote to succeed then I need to publicise it. unfortunately marketing is my weak point so I need a plan.

  • WPVote Twitter account
  • Promote via my Twitter, and the official Twitter accounts
  • Facebook fan page
  • Create widgets for people to put on their sites
  • Buy Ads
  • Promote on my own sites and get friends to promote on theirs

Hopefully this will help prevent the site from dieing a death before it has even started. Most of these things are now set, so I just need to tidy up for release… on February 1st.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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