Browser Shots WordPress Plugin

I didn’t realise it had been so long but in February 2010 I wrote a little blog post about creating screenshots of websites automatically.

I wrote this after finding that the team at WordPress had created their own system for doing this – and so I created a super simple plugin that let’s you use this functionality in your blog. I’m not sure why but I never added the plugin to the WordPress plugin repository.

Last week Kevin Leary decided this wasn’t a good thing so he sent me a tweet or two and added the plugin on to – improving it in the process. Kevin added the shortcode to Tinymce (the post editor) so that you can even more easily add the automatic screenshots to your blog posts.

WordPress Browser Shot Plugin

WordPress Browser Shot Plugin

You can download the Browser Shots plugin on now.

So – I am going to change all of the links here on Binary Moon so that the bm-shots plugin points to the Browser Shots plugin on If you’re using BM Shots then you should definitely update to this new version. Kevin added me as a developer so it’s possible that I will be working on it more in the future (if I have any ideas :)).

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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