A Day in the Life of a Web Designer

I recently had someone email me and ask what a day in my life, or that of a web designer, was like. A slightly unusual request but I thought I would take up the challenge and document an average day.

I don’t mention it very often so I am not sure how many people realise I have a full time job. The websites I run I work on around the day job so I need to be very careful to balance work, and my websites, and my home life.

My day job is at Miniclip.com where I am the Director of Web Development. The job involves overseeing the design and programming teams that do the work on the Miniclip website.

Below is an outline of a typical working day.

  • 0600 – wake up. I get up early and straight into the shower – 6 sounds pretty horrible but I am used to it and find myself getting up early at the weekends without an alarm.
  • 0630 – breakfast and then an hour working on my own websites, writing blog posts and developing themes. I find I am most productive in the mornings.
  • 0730 – leave for the day job.
  • 0900 – start work. A typical day consists of emails, phone calls, meetings, and sometimes even some web development 🙂
  • 1230 – lunch time, I often eat at my desk, but I am trying to do that a bit less often as I don’t think it’s healthy.
  • 1800 – time to go home.
  • 1930 – I get home to dinner, cooked by my awesome wife – Jo.
  • 2000 – The evenings vary, sometimes I will watch tv with my wife, other times I will work on the computer, and occassionally we will go out somewhere.
  • 2300 – watch some tv in bed and then sleep until 6 the next day.

How was it for you? Let me know on BlueSky or Mastodon

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