6 SEO Tips for Non-Techies

I was recently asked to put together some SEO tips for people at Miniclip (where I work) who are planning new projects. Essentially it was meant to be some tips for them to keep in mind from a business perspective so that we can make the best of our website and its SEO.

I’m lucky in that the team at Miniclip are very tech savvy – so whilst the management aren’t super technical – they understand the basics of SEO, and what it means – so I had to focus on the things that are best for the gamers at Miniclip.

The team at Google seem to have the same idea and are focusing SEO on what is best for the users – and so that’s the overriding theme.

I’m reasonably competent when it comes to SEO – but I know I have a lot to learn so I’d love to get some feedback on it.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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