Blogging for money – should I do it?

I have been thinking about the whole “blogging for profit” thing recently – in particular ReviewMe.

Have I really sold my soul to the devil if I start reviewing other peoples stuff?

So far I’ve had two offers to review things from Review Me. The first was for a style site for movies, but that didn’t happen because I didn’t respond quickly enough – you only have 48 hours to accept the offer and I had gone away for the weekend. The second I received this morning and it’s what prompted this post. I want to know what the people who read my blog think about me reviewing products. Originally I said I would only do it for things I thought others would be interested in, but now I’m wondering if I should just grab the money while I have the chance.

Assuming I do go ahead and review things I will be honest with the reviews and say what I think, and ignore the fact they are paid. I will also add a new review category to put them all in. Based on the interest this month there will be roughly 2 or 3 reviews a month so it won’t take over from the normal drivel that I post.

So what do YOU think? I have 48hours to decide!

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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