Regulus – WordPress Theme version 2.1

It’s been a while since I updated Regulus but with the recent release of widgets I had to do something.

The success of Regulus has gone beyond my wildest expectations, and I really appreciate all the support and feedback I have been given.

The update

There are a whole slew of new things added to the latest version of Regulus. The biggies are support for the widgets plugin, and the ability to chose your own header image. The full list of changes is below.

  • fixed safari footer bug (thanks Rasmus –
  • fixed multi word nav tab error in IE
  • fixed error with closed comments
  • fixed html error with category listing
  • fixed wp smileys being out of line on
  • added support for sidebar widgets plugin –
  • added ability to choose your own header graphic
  • added ability to use comments on pages if you wish (includes trackbacks)
  • added support for styling of extra elements (b, i, table, tr, td, th)
  • added ability to control positioning of sidebar (left / right)
  • added post categories to every page (including home page)
  • added extra ‘blend’ colour scheme. Fits with the standard ice blue being used throughout the rest of the theme
  • added post info bar under post heading (includes post categories and other post related info)
  • added trackback link to info bar
  • changed columns on sidebar width to improve spacing
  • changed colours in css styles to try and make things a bit more uniform in style
  • changed feeds so they use the standard feed icon (thanks to Wolfgang Bartlme – []( “Feed icon template Bartelme Design”))
  • changed post author so it’s always visible
  • changed next & previous post navigation to make it more obvious
  • changed blockquote style to make it more quotey
  • changed padding on menu nav to pixels so it hides less content when scaled
  • removed admin panel display and homepage excerpts as they caused too much confusion amongst users
  • removed widgets bar
  • removed underlines from sidebar list items (it looks cleaner)

That’s a fair old list I’m sure you’ll agree.


You can get the file here:

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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