Regulus WordPress Theme in your language!

I said in my last post about Regulus that it would be the last version of the theme released. As far as I was concerned it was complete. Since then a few small things have cropped up and these will be fixed in a future release.

More interestingly I was contacted by a volunteer who was interested in translating the theme into German (although he’s Austrian – just a friendly FYI 🙂 ). In order to do this he also internationalised the theme – so Regulus translations are now possible.

I still have a few things to work through on the final version of Regulus so before I release it I am going to see if there is any interest in people creating other translations.

Please note this isn’t a post asking for languages you would like to see Regulus in but a post asking for people to do the translating.

I’m afraid I have nothing to offer in return beyond of course the obvious things such as credit in the theme and on this site, along with a link to your site.

If anyone’s interested then you can download the required file here (linked extra info in case you are new to translating wordpress files).

Once you do the translation (assuming anyone does 🙂 ) you can send me a link via the contact form on my about page.

Now that I have posted this maybe I will pull my finger out and get the thing finished and released…

Update – Since I have now recieved the first translation I am going to post a list of all the people who submit translations as they come in. Thanks a lot!

Translations received

  • German
  • Italian – Lucacicca

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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