Regulus – WordPress Theme version 2.1.2

A small update with a few new features. The reason for this post, rather than updating the last post, is that I now consider Regulus complete. Barring any show stopping bugs there will be no new updates to Regulus, it’s time to more on.

The change log since the last release is (this includes the changes for version 2.1.1 which went out silently) …

  • fixed widgets unregister bug
  • fixed search box for sites in sub folders (could have sworn I had done this already)
  • added the ability to hide the blog title and description. Useful for people who use custom header images
  • added type attribute to style tag (for validation)
  • added edit post link underneath the title for logged in users (as with version 2.0)
  • changed code and pre tags to use monospaced fonts and add a couple of extra styled doohickies
  • fixed minor validation error(s)
  • fixed sidebar css issue
  • added back admin panel for all sidebars (including widgeted bars)


Grab Regulus 2.1.2 for WordPress 2.0!

Thanks for all the feedback I’ve had. It’s great to know people like and use the theme.


Oh well – so much for 2.1.2 being the last version. I’ve just uploaded version 2.1.3 that has a small change to the admin panel. You can now preview custom header images in the control panel. If the image does not load then you will get an error image. This isn’t essential stuff but it’s a nice usability extra I think, and will hopefully remove the amount of support for custom header images that is bound to occur.

Was it good/ useful/ a load of old rubbish? Let me know on Mastodon, or BlueSky (or Twitter X if you must).

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