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11 Feb 2019

WordPress May Not Be For You!

Ross Wintle recently wrote an article about who the new WordPress editor has been created for, and it got me thinking.I’ve talked a lot, in past newsletters, about how people are disappointed in the direction the new WordPress editor has...
08 Feb 2019

Slim SEO WordPress Plugin

I don’t often recommend specific WordPress plugins but I rather like Slim SEO for it’s simplicity. SEO plugins is a hotly contested category in the WordPress space and Slim SEO brings something new to the table.The go to plugins these...
05 Feb 2019

How I Learn in Public

I build a lot of stuff, and I release most of it publicly. I have 20 WordPress themes on Pro Theme Design, but I’ve been making themes for over 10 years now so I’m quite confident there. Last year I...
31 Jan 2019

Javascript VS. HTML & CSS

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the frustration and in many cases, arguments, happening between designers (CSS & html specialists) and Javascript developers. Increasingly Javascript developers, who are experts at programming, are taking on CSS and HTML roles....
23 Jan 2019

WordPress as a Facebook Replacement?

For many Facebook has lost a lot of it’s allure over the last couple of years. With all the reports of the social giant being used by advertisers to manipulate people, and spread fake news, many are leaving the site.With...
11 Jan 2019

Should Everyone Learn Javascript Deeply?

I’ve been thinking about writing about learning javascript for a while now, but seeing Brad Frost and Heydon Pickerings articles appear over the last couple of weeks has really made me consider my approach to the technology.Ever since Matt suggested...
05 Jan 2019

2018 In Review, and Plans for 2019

2018 was a mixed bag for me. Initially I didn’t feel like I did much in the last year; but now it’s written down in front of me – perhaps I did more than I realised.2018 in ReviewPro Theme DesignSelling...
16 Nov 2018

WordPress and a Faster Internet

I am fortunate enough to live in an area that has fast internet (100Mbps+), and I have a powerful computer. Yet the internet often feels slow. I’m a web developer so I have too many tabs open – but even...
26 Oct 2018

Regarding Accessibility in Gutenberg

Following the Gutenberg discussions in recent weeks, the Core Gutenberg team have posted an update on accessibility in Gutenberg, in which they try to establish there are some accessibility features in Gutenberg. This is true!However, whilst what has been done...
21 Oct 2018

Contributing to WordPress

In this article for WPTavern Chris Van Patten shares his experience with contributing to the Gutenberg project. The original article was a Twitter thread, but it’s nicer reading a proper long form piece.For Chris, the experience of contributing to Gutenberg...
19 Oct 2018

Smashing Book 6 Review: New Frontiers In Web Design

I really like the Smashing Magazine website. Unlike a lot of tutorial sites they don’t keep repeating the same basic content and focus on more challenging and newer things. So when I was contacted by Vitaly and asked if I...
28 Sep 2018

Gutenberg Cloud – the Ultimate Open Source Project?

Gutenberg Cloud is a project for creating open source Gutenberg Blocks that work with both Drupal and WordPress that is created by web agency Frontkom.The team at Frontkom made a version of Gutenberg that works with Drupal. Since Gutenberg is...
26 Sep 2018

WordPress get_post_gallery() Gutenberg Polyfill

I’m working on a new WordPress theme designed for Gutenberg, however Gutenberg isn’t finished, and there are elements that won’t work until the plugin is merged with core.One such issue, that I ran into this weekend, is that get_post_gallery() doesn’t...
21 Sep 2018

Patreon. The Future of Blog Monetisation?

Patreon is a really interesting platform that helps creators earn money. I recently read an article about how a French tutor increased revenues by using the Patreon WordPress plugin.I’d heard of Patreon before, and had even considered using it, but...
14 Sep 2018

What’s the Deal with Google AMP?

I recently read an article title Google AMP Can Go To Hell, all about how Google AMP is an attempt by Google to control the internet entirely.When I first saw this article I thought it was going to be a...
07 Sep 2018

Finding the Essence of a Product

I was recently reading the article Via Negativa by Adrian Zumbrunnen and found it a really nice reflection on the reasons for creating a simple product.Minimalism in web design is an evergreen trend but how many of us have actually...
31 Aug 2018

Chrome for Android may start disabling JavaScript on 2G connections

This week a pull request was made on the Chromium project that, in certain situations, blocks Javascript from loading on 2G connections.Currently the Gutenberg editor doesn’t work without Javascript; it doesn’t even have a noscript tag.Chrome for Android may start...
24 Aug 2018

Using Gutenberg in Real World Projects

Gutenberg is slowly marching towards a releasable version but has anyone tested it on a real world project? There have been a few announced but nothing significant (that I’ve seen). I’ve integrated it into a couple of themes, and mostly...
17 Aug 2018

Mythic WordPress Starter Theme, and Thinking About All Developers

Mythic is a new starter theme by Justin Tadlock (with help from his friends/ collaborators). The project is designed to introduce a fully modern theme development process.It follows best practices for coding, and makes use of things like npm (or...
10 Aug 2018

Gutenberg Reactions: Mixed Feedback?

WordPress 4.9.8 was released last week and Gutenberg plugin installations have rocketed because of the ‘try Gutenberg’ prompt that was included. This post on WPCouple shows some of the fantastic positive reactions Gutenberg has received.Of course, it’s not all rosey....
