Blog - page 8

Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

25 Mar 2014

Using Youtube Thumbnails on your Websites

I seem to find myself working with Youtubes thumbnail images quite a lot (for instance on Miniclips videos section) – and I am always having to go searching for the parameters to use to generate those thumbnail images.The highest quality...
21 Mar 2014

How to Get Started With WordPress Theme Development

I was asked recently how to get into WordPress themeing and so I thought I would answer publicly. Perhaps my thoughts can help others.When I first started using WordPress things were much simpler. The default theme was an index.php and...
20 Feb 2014

Fixing CSS Transitions in Google Chrome

I had a weird problem yesterday where I had applied a css transition to an element that was fading from opacity:0.1 to opacity:1 – and along the way it seemed to change in size or position.The reason for the change...
09 Jan 2014

Blobcat Game: Post Holiday Update

So – it’s now after the holidays and I’m back at the day job – and I’m pleased to say I was able to do some good work on Blobcat over the break and the game is coming together rather...
01 Dec 2013

WordPress Improved Human Time Difference

WordPress has a built in function, called human_time_diff, for creating messages that say how long ago a post was published – however I think it is confusing when you have posts from a long time ago that read “posted 15...
26 Nov 2013

Note to Self: Using SVN Diff

At WordCamp London last week I made my first contribution to WordPress – a bug fix for the Twenty Fourteen theme that’s being released with WordPress 3.8. Part of doing this involved created a patch.Now I know this is pretty...
31 Oct 2013

WordPress – Estimated Reading Time

I have a theme coming out soon that displays the ‘estimated reading time’ for each blog post on the homepage.The theme is inspired by the new blogging service Medium – but I first saw the idea mentioned on Brian Crays...
27 Oct 2013

WordPress Numeric Pagination

I’ve made quite a few WordPress themes in my time, and so I thought I would write a few blog posts sharing some of the code snippets that I find myself using repeatedly.First off is some numeric pagination using native...
15 Oct 2013

My First WordCamp EU

Last weekend I went to WordCamp EU – Europe’s first WordCamp – and my first WordCamp.I’ve always fancied going to a WordCamp conference but never known what to expect – or even what I would get out of it. I’ve...
01 Oct 2013

How to Use Bitbucket with Github for Mac

I like BitBucket – all the cool kids use Github, but for small businesses BitBucket is great. Why? Because it has free private repositories for teams of 5 or smaller. And that’s me right there.Currently I am using BitBucket for...
27 Sep 2013

Rime – My Dream Video Game

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a frustrated game developer. Working at Miniclip I’ve developed a few games (I mentioned a few here) but I now focus on web design. I’m really passionate about web design and will continue...
15 Aug 2013

How to Make SlideShare Responsive With FitVid.js

Open Source software is awesome. If it weren’t for WordPress then I’m not sure what I would be doing – but that doesn’t mean open source software is perfect, or that it fulfills all requirements.The beauty of open source software...
11 Aug 2013

Using WP_DEBUG to Improve CSS and Style Enqueues in WordPress

Recently I saw a tweet conversation between @Norcross and @JPeterson about decaching css files when developing with WordPress. The solution is simple and something that WordPress even has built-in – however it’s also something that is easy to forget to...
08 Aug 2013

The Death of WordPress Theme Frameworks

WordPress theme frameworks are on their way out. They’re dying a slow death. At least that’s what I think.Nathan Rice recently wrote an article with his thoughts about theme frameworks – in defense of them – however he clearly has...
29 Jul 2013

Brush Ninja – An Upcoming HTML5 Animation Website

I’m thrilled to announce my latest project – Brush Ninja. Brush Ninja is a browser-based animation app that aims to bring back the simplicity and creativity of early versions of similar platforms.Sketch StarI am employed by Miniclip, an online games...
23 Jul 2013

UCam247 – Security Camera Review

A couple of years ago I bought my first house. My wife and I have spent the time since renovating it – our original goal was to renovate it in 3 months. 18 months later and we’re still going.Apart from...
17 Jul 2013

Queen Elizabeth II and Me

Last weekend I went to the Coronation Festival at Buckingham Palace in London. Not only did I get to walk around the royal gardens, but I also got to see, meet, and try many of the products that have the...
13 Jul 2013

6 SEO Tips for Non-Techies

I was recently asked to put together some SEO tips for people at Miniclip (where I work) who are planning new projects. Essentially it was meant to be some tips for them to keep in mind from a business perspective...
08 Jul 2013

A Redesign for 2013

It’s only been a year since I last redesigned Binary Moon – I’m generally content to redesign, and then sit on things for a while, let it stew and evolve. However a lot has changed in the last year. Design...
11 Jun 2013

The Last Of Us and PS4 Game Sharing

I’ll be honest – I haven’t played many of the Uncharted games. In fact the only one I’ve played is the PS Vita version – Uncharted: Glolden Abyss, which by all accounts is a reasonable interpretation of the format, especially...
