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11 Jul 2015

Reasons to Use Jetpack with WordPress

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Jetpack. All the themes we sell on Pro Theme Design support features in Jetpack so I found the slides from this talk about Jetpack for Theme Developers (from WordCamp Montreal 2015) really...
06 Jul 2015

WordPress Theme Club Comparison

I’m working on adding a Theme Club to Pro Theme Design. I’ve been asked about it before but have always been put off because of the amount of effort involved in setting one up – however I have now found...
29 Jun 2015

How to Add a Contact Form to Your Website Using Formspree

Late last year we switched Pro Theme Design over to a static html powered site – but that meant we couldn’t do anything clever with it – like have a contact form. Initially we relied on Twitter and Facebook, but...
28 Apr 2015

Honor 6 Phone Review

A couple of months ago I was given a Huawei Honor 6 Android phone in return for blogging about the Honor 6 Design competition. Today is the last day to enter the competition so, as a final post, I thought...
20 Apr 2015

Simple PHP Colour Manipulation Functions

The other day I was updating my WordPress plugin, BM Custom Login, and I need some simple colour manipulation functions. In the plugin you can pick colours for different elements of the WordPress login interface, and I wanted to colour...
10 Apr 2015

Adding Menu Descriptions to WordPress Menus

In WordPress there’s an option to add custom descriptions to Menu links – but by default there’s no way to display these descriptions. I’m currently redesigning Binary Moon and wanted to add descriptions to the menu – so I thought...
06 Apr 2015

Disabling Website URLs in WordPress Comments

These days a lot of spammers submit spam comments that are perfectly legitimate apart from the fact that they link somewhere. So I thought I would disable the website url field in the comments so that comments can focus on...
01 Apr 2015

The State of WordPress Themes #wcldn

I recently spoke on a panel at WordCamp London 2015e. Lance – who used to be the Theme Team lead at – asked me if I wanted to speak on a panel with him at WordCamp London 2015. I’ve...
17 Dec 2014

Kontrol Freek Gaming Accessories

I’m a bit of a gamer – I used to write a gaming blog, and I like to make games as a hobby. These days I mostly play iPhone games but I do still like to sit down and have...
22 Nov 2014

WordPress 4.1 Improvements for Theme Developers

WordPress 4.1 is bringing with it a couple of cool new additions for theme developers. They’re things that are currently a bit messy to implement in themes. For me they are things that I do the same way in all...
15 Nov 2014

Calculating nth-child CSS Selector Formulae

I did quite a lot of maths at school. I wasn’t amazing at it but because I knew I wanted to work in computers I thought it would be handy. Fast forward 16 years and I now realise that I’ve...
06 Nov 2014

Updating SourceTree Git Login Credentials

At work we use Git for versioning our code. We also use the suite of Atlassian products for managing tasks, code, and deployment. As such I use SourceTree a lot to manage my code. We’re also security conscious and so...
11 Oct 2014

Adobe Dreams (and What I Replaced Adobe Software With)

I’ve managed to move entirely away from using Adobe software but this recent video from Adobe looks incredibly enticing. It’s basically a great big bunch of ideas for things that could be possible in the future. They’ve focused on Microsoft...
04 Oct 2014

Closing Shop at Pro Theme Design

In 2007 Darren and I started one of the first WordPress Premium theme stores – Pro Theme Design. In that time the WordPress ecosystem has changed considerably.Over the years Pro Theme Design has done well for us as a part...
27 Sep 2014

TimThumb is No Longer Supported or Maintained

A long time ago – when making our first premium WordPress theme, Darren and I made TimThumb. TimThumb has been amazing – but it’s also not been without it’s share of problems.In particular in 2010 there was a major security...
11 Jul 2014

Localised Estimated Reading Time

So a few people have been writing about my estimated reading time function recently. In particular – it got mentioned on WPTavern in a post all about adding an Estimated Reading Time to your theme.Then I got this tweet: Hey...
06 Jul 2014

Nomad Chargekey for iPhone

Anyone been in a situation where you needed to charge your smartphone but didn’t have the right cable to hand? I know I have. I travel a lot – and making sure I always have my iPhone cable with me...
01 Jul 2014

I No Longer Use TimThumb – Here’s What I do Instead

Last week there was a second exploit found in TimThumb. Thankfully it was no-where near as bad as the first one – but it raised an interesting question of whether TimThumb is even needed anymore.TimThumb was made to be useful...
26 Jun 2014

New TimThumb Exploit Found

It’s been reported today that there is a new TimThumb exploit found. Unfortunately nobody told me about this before the exploit was announced – in fact I found out about the bug through so I haven’t been able to...
29 Mar 2014

The Psychology of Done – or – How to Not do Things

I work on a lot of projects – as do many creatives. I have the day job at Miniclip – and then in my spare time I am renovating my house, and making WordPress themes, playing video games, and even...
