Web Design - page 4

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04 Nov 2016

Automating WordPress Development with Gulp, Bash, and PHP

When I wrote about the things I had learned from releasing 20 WordPress themes, I mentioned that I had automated as much as I could. One of the things I automated was the build and deployment process for my themes...
13 Oct 2016

Lessons Learned from 20 Theme Releases on WordPress.com

In 2007 I partnered with Darren Hoyt to release Mimbo Pro, one of the earliest premium WordPress themes. In 2012 Mimbo Pro was published on wordpress.com. Last week – on October 5th 2016 to be precise – my 20th theme...
27 Sep 2016

Schedule content with Automatic Post Scheduler

Posting regular content is essential when you’re trying to build a successful blog or website – but it’s something I struggle with. I think I’ve found a solution that works for me though. Regular content is great for Google (and...
22 Sep 2016

Adding a Portfolio to Binary Moon using Jetpack

My old website projects page was a mess. It was basically a page containing a list of ‘things’ I had developed. Whether thats websites, WordPress themes, Games. There was all sorts of things there. But it wasn’t pretty – it...
16 Sep 2016

What is the Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

Recently, I’ve received a couple of emails asking about the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org versions of WordPress. The reason for the confusion is that I sell themes for both sites – and I often get people buying my themes...
10 Sep 2016

Using Github for Copywriters (via the Github website)

I’m currently working on a new WordPress course (MasterWP – first email is sent on Monday 12th September) that helps to teach things beyond the basics – and to do it I need a website. I’m making the course with...
05 Sep 2016

MasterWP – A Free Course to Improve Your WordPress Skills

As a premium theme seller my target audience is implementors, people who buy themes for clients and then customize them. But how do people get to be implementors to start with? This is something I wanted to tackle – helping...
26 Aug 2016

My WordPress Wishlist

WordPress 4.6 has recently been released, and now plans are being made for WordPress 4.7. At the start of each new version the WordPress team ask for ideas and suggestions for areas people would like them to focus on. This...
18 Aug 2016

Carmack: WordPress Magazine Theme

I recently mentioned how I am now ‘DogFooding’ my WordPress themes. Part of the reason for this is that I want to make sure that my themes are ready for the real world before I make them available for sale...
20 Jul 2016

Empathy in Web Design

I wasn’t able to make WordCamp Europe this year, but they’ve been really quick at getting all of the talks online, and so I have been watching some of them – and this one stood out.Morten Rand-Hendriksen is an experienced...
13 Jul 2016

Why My WordPress Themes Site Doesn’t Use WordPress

I’ve mentioned it before but I run a WordPress themes site called Pro Theme Design. On it, I sell premium WordPress themes – but I don’t use WordPress to power the site.This probably seems like a strange thing to do...
05 Jul 2016

Dogfooding a New WordPress Design

Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is a slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company uses its own product to test and promote the product.Wikipedia – DogfoodingThis is another thing on the long list...
14 Oct 2015

My Experience Submitting a Free theme to WordPress.org

I recently submitted my first free theme to WordPress.org.Kent is a theme I made for wordpress.com. It’s been code reviewed by the team there and is in use on a few hundred sites. I was considering selling it on Creative...
27 Jul 2015

Pro Theme Design Themes Club

Recently I showed the research I did into other WordPress theme shops and their theme clubs – and now I’ve released the Pro Theme Design Theme Club.The club is an easy way for people to purchase all of our themes,...
11 Jul 2015

Reasons to Use Jetpack with WordPress

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Jetpack. All the themes we sell on Pro Theme Design support features in Jetpack so I found the slides from this talk about Jetpack for Theme Developers (from WordCamp Montreal 2015) really...
06 Jul 2015

WordPress Theme Club Comparison

I’m working on adding a Theme Club to Pro Theme Design. I’ve been asked about it before but have always been put off because of the amount of effort involved in setting one up – however I have now found...
29 Jun 2015

How to Add a Contact Form to Your Website Using Formspree

Late last year we switched Pro Theme Design over to a static html powered site – but that meant we couldn’t do anything clever with it – like have a contact form. Initially we relied on Twitter and Facebook, but...
20 Apr 2015

Simple PHP Colour Manipulation Functions

The other day I was updating my WordPress plugin, BM Custom Login, and I need some simple colour manipulation functions. In the plugin you can pick colours for different elements of the WordPress login interface, and I wanted to colour...
10 Apr 2015

Adding Menu Descriptions to WordPress Menus

In WordPress there’s an option to add custom descriptions to Menu links – but by default there’s no way to display these descriptions. I’m currently redesigning Binary Moon and wanted to add descriptions to the menu – so I thought...
06 Apr 2015

Disabling Website URLs in WordPress Comments

These days a lot of spammers submit spam comments that are perfectly legitimate apart from the fact that they link somewhere. So I thought I would disable the website url field in the comments so that comments can focus on...
22 Nov 2014

WordPress 4.1 Improvements for Theme Developers

WordPress 4.1 is bringing with it a couple of cool new additions for theme developers. They’re things that are currently a bit messy to implement in themes. For me they are things that I do the same way in all...
