Web Design - page 9

Categories:Web DesignWordPressBusinessJekyllRandomMovies

10 Mar 2010

Using the Yahoo Weather API (in your WordPress themes)

When developing our Hyperlocal WordPress theme called The Local Darren came up with the idea of adding the local weather to the themes header. After a bit of research I decided that the Yahoo! Weather api was the best solution.Before...
07 Mar 2010

WordPress Http API – Read Content From Other Websites

Recently I have been doing a lot of work with API’s and these often involve loading text content (rss/ xml/ json etc) from another website and then displaying the results – for instance the Twitter feed at the bottom of...
29 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 7: Almost Done

Building WPVote has been a really interesting process for me. I have learnt stacks of new things, and through developing WPVote have added a stack of improvements to my WordPress Elemental.From start to finish I have: Building WPVote Part 1:...
23 Jan 2010

New WordPress Theme, Accumulo, and New Free Plugin

In my plans for 2010 I said I wanted to release 3 premium themes, and earlier this week Darren Hoyt and I released the first of the bunch.Accumulo – WordPress themeAccumulo is an RSS aggregation theme designed to imitate sites...
21 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 6 : Planning for Lift Off

Now that the WPVote site is almost complete I need to prepare it for release.Since I have developed online all I really need to do is redirect the DNS from the current site to my own servers. However there are...
15 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 5 : Programming

I’m nearly finished with the design of my new WordPress voting site, WPVote, so now need to look more closely at the programming.I enjoy dissecting WordPress themes, and since I also like code simplicity and minimalism (and am working with...
12 Jan 2010

Building WPVote : Part 4b, The Logo Revisited

Last time I wrote about WPVote I got a lot of feedback on the design of the logo. I was actually quite happy with how it was looking but the comments got me thinking and I soon realised it wasn’t...
07 Jan 2010

Building WPVote Part 4 : Design

Once I had finished researching similar voting sites I was ready to start designing and building the WPVote theme.To decide basic page structure I went with Balsamiq mockups and knocked out some quick reference designs. I had a firm idea...
30 Dec 2009

Building WPVote Part 3 : Research

After receiving the WPVote domain and theme from Jean I moved on to stage 3. Researching ‘competitors‘ websites.I must admit I tend not to do too much research when building a website, but this time I did decide to do...
20 Dec 2009

Building WPVote Part 2 : Planning

In part 1 of Building WPVote I mentioned how I have recently purchased WPVote from Jean-Baptiste Jeung.The first thing I did before I even spoke to Jean was trying to think of simple things I could do that would add...
17 Dec 2009

WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner’s Guide review

WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner’s Guide surprised me positively. To be honest, I did hesitate before accepting a review copy from the publishers as I fully expected it to be “just” a beginner’s guide to WordPress mu (the multi user version...
30 Nov 2009

WordPress Developer Cookbook

If I am totally honest there aren’t many computer books that I actually find useful, they’re generally for beginners or full of information you can get online for the low-cost of a Google search or two. WordPress Cookbook That’s why...
22 Nov 2009

Optimising Social Media Activity

Being rather introverted I’m quite quiet on social networking sites, however recently I have made some changes that mean I am easily able to take part without leaving my comfort zone.There are actually a few reasons I don’t take part....
11 Nov 2009

Art Direction

I have recently published my first ‘Art Directed’ posts on Binary Moon – namely my reviews for the movies Coraline and Up. Ever since I saw Jason Santa Marias art directed site the idea has brewed in my head that...
11 Oct 2009

How to Make TimThumb Work With WordPress Multisite

TimThumb is a popular image resizing script that was created for Mimbo Pro – but it’s never worked properly with WordPress MU, so I wanted to change that.The reason it doesn’t work is quite simple. Because of the way WordPress...
16 Sep 2009

What’s new with the Elemental WordPress theme?

Elemental is the upcoming theme framework for Pro Theme Design. It’s been in development for absolutely ages, and the code is really showing it’s maturity, and I am really pleased with the possibilities it opens up.The focus when developing Elemental...
31 Aug 2009

Learning to Learn: how to improve yourself

I have a massive appetite for learning. I am always reading books and blogs to try to better understand the things I want to do. Design, programming, marketing, copy-writing, I constantly strive to improve.On the web your skill set needs...
