I have been using WordPress for many years and have built all sorts of things. From WordPress themes, to plugins, and even started a newsletter and podcast.
Last time I wrote about WPVote I got a lot of feedback on the design of the logo. I was actually quite happy with how it was looking but the comments got me thinking and I soon realised it wasn’t...
Once I had finished researching similar voting sites I was ready to start designing and building the WPVote theme.To decide basic page structure I went with Balsamiq mockups and knocked out some quick reference designs. I had a firm idea...
After receiving the WPVote domain and theme from Jean I moved on to stage 3. Researching ‘competitors‘ websites.I must admit I tend not to do too much research when building a website, but this time I did decide to do...
In part 1 of Building WPVote I mentioned how I have recently purchased WPVote from Jean-Baptiste Jeung.The first thing I did before I even spoke to Jean was trying to think of simple things I could do that would add...
If I am totally honest there aren’t many computer books that I actually find useful, they’re generally for beginners or full of information you can get online for the low-cost of a Google search or two. WordPress Cookbook That’s why...
I have recently published my first ‘Art Directed’ posts on Binary Moon – namely my reviews for the movies Coraline and Up. Ever since I saw Jason Santa Marias art directed site the idea has brewed in my head that...
It was recently announced that WordPress 2.9 includes a new function to get post images called the_post_image. There is some information about the command over on WPEngineer.Having post thumbnails is fantastic, they really liven up a post, but until recently...
Elemental is the upcoming theme framework for Pro Theme Design. It’s been in development for absolutely ages, and the code is really showing it’s maturity, and I am really pleased with the possibilities it opens up.The focus when developing Elemental...
As I briefly mentioned on Monday, I have finally redesigned Binary Moon.I actually started redesigning about 2 years ago. Initially it was going to be an update rather than a totally new look, and I even built most of it,...
Earlier this year I said I was ‘back in the swing‘, posted a few times, and then vanished.The reason isn’t that I have nothing to say (although I have less than I used too) but that I am in the...
A couple of weeks ago there was quite a lot of talk within the WordPress themes community about the future of WordPress. Ian Stewart started it, and then it spread around the blogosphere… so I thought I’d offer my rather...
A year ago – almost to the day – Darren and I released Mimbo Pro, a premium WordPress theme. Since then both WordPress, and our technical skills, have grown considerably and so we’re now ready to present to you, Mimbo...
Last weekend I spent a few days away from WordPress and work in general to spend some quality time with the girlfriend. When I got back and updated my local copy of WordPress (via svn) I was surprised to see...
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how I have customised my wordpress administration interface to make it more streamlined and usable. This is an interface I made for myself so it works the way I want it too –...
Ever since the first betas of WordPress 2.5 I have been making my own version of the admin panel. I like a lot of what they have done but there were some very basic things missing in the design, and...
I’ve had a number of emails recently about an Islamic website that is using my free WordPress theme – Regulus. People have been emailing assuming that, because I designed the theme, I am a terrorist.I can’t actually comment on the...
I got banned from Technorati a long time ago. Apparently releasing free themes is bad (and get’s lots of inbound links) only fair I guess 🙁Anyway, Technorati have dropped off my radar recently, their constant redesigns and confused product are...
A year and a bit ago I wrote a tutorial on splitting the comments, trackbacks and pingbacks up on your wordpress blogs. Then a few months ago Daniel from DailyBlogtips wrote a post on the same subject (a couple people...
The last couple of months I have been spending my free time working on a new website and premium theme.The website is called Pro Theme Design, and the theme is Mimbo Pro.Pro Theme DesignPro Theme Design is a WordPress theme...
In my excitement to get the BM-Comment-Highlight plugin out yesterday I forgot to tell you how to actually use the thing. Also since posting it yesterday I have though of another feature for the plugin so I have updated it...
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how to upload plugins to WordPress.org – and now I give to you, my second WordPress plugin – bm-comment-highlight.Comment Highlight does exactly what it says on the tin. If you look around you...