ChocolatA rather nice little story about a lady who makes everyone happy, apart from herself, with the healing power of chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised by this film and would recommend it to anyone who wants something nice and peaceful...
I keep finding links to things that interest me but aren’t worthy of a post for themselves. Normally I would post them as links but there are so many of the things at the moment that I thought I would...
A couple of weeks ago I was taken to New York for the 10th annual Webby Awards. Miniclip, the company I work for, had won the peoples voice award for gaming and the boss was kind enough to invite me...
It’s a bit late now but a couple of weekends ago my girlfriend and I went to see a new Brit flick, Confetti, at the cinema.Like Spinal Tap and, more recently, The Office – Confetti (FWIW Tim, Martin Freeman, from...
Star Wars – Clone Wars – Series 2Not the movie but the cartoon series. Saw the first series a while ago and, whilst I thought it was ok, wasn’t overly impressed. The main problem was a lack of narrative –...
I’d been looking forward to Shadow of the Colossus for some time, and on the 17th of February 2006 it was finally released in the UK.For the uneducated, Shadow of the Colossus is the follow up (but not a sequel...
I am almost as excited about this as I am about the new Zelda game (almost, but not quite). New Super Mario Brothers wallpaper Head on over to the official, New Super Mario Brothers, website to get all the info...
This was definitely Nintendo’s year at E3. They wiped the floor with everyone, having the most compelling games and most innovative hardware.I’ve already done a very brief summary of the 3 big conferences over at the 9rules blog but I...
Went to the cinema the other day to see Mission Impossible 3.Unfortunately I can’t decide whether I liked it or not. There was lots of action, some of it quite cool, and it was a lot more emotional than previous...
Analyze ThisOne for the ‘Not what I expected’ pile. I know it was loved when released but for me it underperformed. Didn’t help that I was ill when I was watching it, which meant that I couldn’t concentrate properly.William Shakespeare’s...
Over the last year and a bit Binary Moon has slowly evolved. Rather than redesign my site every few months I have chosen to update and improve as I go. Doing this I have added a few little features that...
A small update with a few new features. The reason for this post, rather than updating the last post, is that I now consider Regulus complete. Barring any show stopping bugs there will be no new updates to Regulus, it’s...
It’s been a while since I updated Regulus but with the recent release of widgets I had to do something.The success of Regulus has gone beyond my wildest expectations, and I really appreciate all the support and feedback I have...
SerenitySerenity is a spin off movie from the cult tv show Firefly. The show only lasted one series, and I haven’t seen a single episode, however the producer, Joss Whedon, also worked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer one of the...
I’ve been very busy recently so the dev diary has been the thing that takes a back seat (again). Also I have never liked releasing things this early in case people aren’t impressed/ interested, or simply because I don’t want...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindJim Carrey… in a serious movie… whatever next? Ok, he’s done some straighter less comedic stuff before, but this is the most serious I’ve ever seen Jim Carey act and he pulls it off rather...
An interesting article about in game interfaces and how they’re slowly dieing out. First, it’s important to answer the question, ‘What is a HUD?’ A HUD is simply a collection of persistent on screen elements whose purpose is to indicate...
In my last post I mentioned me having my own opinions on the whole “video games are murder simulators” debate. Well I thought I’d run through them briefly – and also point you to a new video game made specifically...
The more observant amongst you will have noticed that I have recently added Adsense ads to Binary Moon. What you most likely won’t have noticed, unless you checked out Bubble Blitz online, is that I’ve also added them to Binary...
The TerminalI wasn’t expecting much from this, but simply because of Tom Hanks and Stephen Spielberg figured it was worth a try. The film itself was a quite nice enjoyable simple little movie. Apparently the film was inspired by Merhan...
Something I have wanted to do with Binary Sun for a while now is get some online games. The obvious solution would be to add some games made in Flash, but I don’t like to do things the easy way.So...