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02 Aug 2008

Ben and Jerry (and Jo)

Last weekend my girlfriend and I went to the Ben and Jerries Sundae festival (on Sunday no less). This is a small festival on Clapham Common in London, England. It’s run by Ben and Jerries ice cream and has a...
11 Jul 2008

New plugin : BM Admin Tweak

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how I have customised my wordpress administration interface to make it more streamlined and usable. This is an interface I made for myself so it works the way I want it too –...
02 Jul 2008

Seven useless pieces of information about me

Last week I got tagged by Gnorb. I was going to write something clever about how I normally turn these things down because everyone does it and they’re so passé… but to be honest I’m flattered to even be considered,...
26 Jun 2008

Anti smoking video game (advert)

My outlook on life is quite liberal. In general I am happy for people to do whatever they like, as long as it doesn’t affect others in a negative way.However smoking is something I am very much against. To start...
19 Jun 2008

Redesigning the WordPress admin Redesign

Ever since the first betas of WordPress 2.5 I have been making my own version of the admin panel. I like a lot of what they have done but there were some very basic things missing in the design, and...
04 Jun 2008

Google hosted javascript libraries

Google recently announced that they are hosting popular open source javascript libraries for everyone to use in their projects. This is a great opportunity to have fast access to javascript libraries without worrying about bandwidth charges.Despite some negative feedback about...
29 May 2008

How I built in a little over 2 hours

Quite some time ago I purchased thinking it would be a good idea to own my own name as a domain. But then I didn’t do anything with it.The other day I decided it was time to sort it...
20 May 2008

WordPress themes, and assumed responsibility

I’ve had a number of emails recently about an Islamic website that is using my free WordPress theme – Regulus. People have been emailing assuming that, because I designed the theme, I am a terrorist.I can’t actually comment on the...
29 Apr 2008

New Icon Set : Circular

Last week I released a new icon set over on Pro Theme Design. When I first started on the set I had two objectives. 1 – to spend some time learning how to make icons properly, and 2 – to...
14 Apr 2008

Twitter me this

Unfortunately I have been dragged down into the world of Twitter. Twitter is a web app that enables people to talk rubbish at no-one in particular and then receive a response from someone they don’t know. I’ve never seen the...
29 Mar 2008

In the workplace

37Signals have recently posted a couple of articles on improving the workplace experience and they’re doing things I can only dream of. The posts in questions are workplace experiments, and fire the workaholics.Workplace experimentsSome of their ideas are great. I...
12 Mar 2008

Pro Theme Design and Mimbo Pro

The last couple of months I have been spending my free time working on a new website and premium theme.The website is called Pro Theme Design, and the theme is Mimbo Pro.Pro Theme DesignPro Theme Design is a WordPress theme...
06 Mar 2008

EEE PC and me

I bought an EEE PC the other day, and so far am very impressed.These little machines are very small, and very handy and, most impressively, very cheap. They’ve been around for about 5/6 months now but, in the UK at...
17 Feb 2008

Happy Holidays – California

My girlfriend Jo and I have recently (actually… 2 weeks ago – I’ve been too busy to write it up :-S) gotten back from a holiday in California, which is last months excuse for the lack of posts on my...
28 Jan 2008

BM-Comment-Highlight Guide

In my excitement to get the BM-Comment-Highlight plugin out yesterday I forgot to tell you how to actually use the thing. Also since posting it yesterday I have though of another feature for the plugin so I have updated it...
27 Jan 2008

New WordPress Plugin – BM Comment Highlight

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how to upload plugins to – and now I give to you, my second WordPress plugin – bm-comment-highlight.Comment Highlight does exactly what it says on the tin. If you look around you...
14 Jan 2008

A 3 step guide to getting your WordPress plugin onto

I recently got my bm-custom-login plugin accepted onto the Wordress plugin repository. In order to get it online I had to use subversion – something I’ve never used before.I found the “using svn page” on to be rather intimidating....
03 Jan 2008

The Golden Compass

I went to see The Golden Compass last week – the film of the book with the same name (although sometimes called Northern Lights). I mentioned the trailer before, and though tit looked great, but wasn’t sure what to expect...
